Thursday, March 7, 2013

Entry 3

Campus Resources
        Juggling several classes and having a busy schedule can sometimes cause students forget just how many resources there really is on campus. Here at the University of Arizona, the teachers and staff provide many opportunities for extra help many of us often need. Here is a list of some of the resources I have found very helpful through experience:
1.       Every teacher and TA has office hours! I can’t think of a better way to get help than to sit down one on one with a professor to ask all of the questions you may have. Take advantage of this opportunity because having this face to face, personal meeting can really help you understand the material and allows you to really get a better understanding of the material. If you can’t make it to their office hours, email your professor and/or TA and schedule an appointment with them.
2.       Review sessions. Before exams, many teachers put on review sessions to go over the material that will be on your test. Go to every review session, teachers often times give hints as to what will be on the exam!
3.       Think Tank is yet another awesome resource to take advantage of. From Science to Math to English, the Think Tank provides free tutoring to any students who are in need of help. This center offers a variety of different things from one on one tutoring to review sessions, etc. I would definitely recommend visiting the Think Tank because of its extremely helpful, free offerings.
4.       Lastly, there is the SALT Center. Although it is not a free resource, it is an extremely helpful one. The SALT Center offers individualized services for any student who struggles with school or has any sort of learning disability. This is a very personalized program that is an extremely useful resource.
There are so many resources on campus, if you can think of any other ways to get help, please feel free to post it in a comment!

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