Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Entry 2

Midterms & Study Tips
                This week is one of the most dreaded weeks of the school year… Midterms! This is an extremely busy, tedious, and stressful week for all students. Because of this, I would like to share a fews tips which I believe are helpful in preparing for exams. 
1.       Make a study schedule and plan out your week. If you know you have exams back to back, make sure you give each subject an allotted time for which you will study for it. This has a lot to do with time management, which is important for everyday life. Figure out how long you will need to study for each midterm, and divide your time accordingly.
2.       Make goals for yourself while studying. For me, I like to split up my work into chapters or subjects. I make a goal to finish a certain portion of the chapters and then give myself a little break. Reward yourself for reaching these small goals, and take a breather. At a certain point your brain stops retaining information, so be sure to take short intermissions to prevent this from happening and to give your brain a rest.
3.       Figure out what kind studying benefits you most. Some people must read all the chapters to understand the material, some people make study guides on the computer, and other people make flashcards. Figure out which way is the best for you and stick to it! This will make studying into a routine that can be mastered.
4.       Lastly, relax and get sleep! If you are stressed out, walk away from your notes for a few minutes and take a deep breath. Stress can interfere with your brain’s ability to comprehend material, so if you are feeling entirely stressed out, give yourself a break. (Maybe take a little walk, or go to the gym, or grab a healthy snack) Also, sleep is extremely important. Make sure you are getting an adequate amount of sleep so your body can rest. Sleep is extremely important to rejuvenate yourself and be able to perform at your very best!
These are just a few of many different tips to studying, if anyone else has additional tips please share them in a comment!


  1. This really helped me tonight! Thanks so much for the helpful advice!

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