Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Entry 1

About Me

My name is Taylor Lofton, Arizona native and full time student at the University of Arizona. Currently, I am seeking a degree in General Studies with a minor in Spanish. Ultimately I hope to attend graduate school to become a Physician’s Assistant or Nurse Practitioner. I love interacting with people and being able to offer a helping hand, which is why my main goal of this blog is to share my experiences in order to help others. I strive to do my very best when it comes to education and feel that it is extremely important to become a successful individual. I understand how challenging college can be at times, so I hope that as I share my experiences and advice I can help others overcome similar obstacles.
The first topic I would like to touch on is organization. When I lived with my parents, I was hands down one of the most unorganized people on this planet. But, as I realized soon after moving to college, this was not going to fly. Organizational skills are a crucial part of being successful, which is why I began to alter some of my habits to become more organized. The first thing I bought was a planner. In my opinion, this is a small task but can help immensely. The first thing I did was gather all my syllabi and wrote down the important dates my teachers listed. It really helps to be able to look at your whole week and plan accordingly. Though this seems to be an incredibly small undertaking , it was by far the most helpful thing I did all year. After making small changes to the way you do things (ie: putting things in the right place, organizing folders to keep your school work ordered, etc.) organizational skills begin to become second nature. Take small steps in order to begin organizing and it will all fall into place from there.
If anyone else has tips and tricks for organizing, please feel free to leave a comment and share your ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Taylor! I am a general studies major as well. Thanks for the homework tips. Your site is very clean and organized. Nice job. Keep up the good work and have a great semester.

